Our new Dodeca Meeting pods seem to be attracting alot of attention online with our recent installation at Cavan Digital Hub now complete.
So many recent studies we’ve read on open plan offices say that few employees like working in these spaces and find them distracting and noisey. Yet, few necessarily want to go back to the warren of small offices which pervaded the work environment years ago. Therefore we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the use of ‘office booths’ or ‘pods’ that can be located throughout the office floor and give people the chance to escape and take a call, focus on specific tasks or have informal meetings with a group of colleagues.
This is the background to our newest product, ‘Dodeca’ named after the 12 sided primary solid Dodecahedron. Leo Scarff has spent over 18 months developing this product and resolving the complex geometry and connections. The result is a robust free-standing booth capable of housing 4 adults comfortably with the lower panels acting as the perfect inclined seat back. Just the right amount of ‘enclosure’ has been achieved giving a secluded but not hidden space. Effective over head lighting, profiled table top and integrated power module make Dodeca the perfect location for focused work or meetings.
Lots of custom options are available for the pods including colours, finishes and lighting.